Select Board meeting - September 24, 2024

Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Ed Lawless
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. The selectboard met with Ed Lawless to discuss the progress on the Broadband project. Ed will meet with a representative from Axiom to review the Central Office location and discuss concerns regarding the installation of fiber by both Consolidated Communications and Spectrum (neither company was interested in servicing the Town during the initial stages of the broadband process). Town representatives have contacted the MCA about these concerns.
  4. The selectboard created a new tax card for 1.6 acres purchased from a larger lot. This will be Map 7, Lot 32 for 1.5 acres.
  5. Meeting adjourned.

Select Board meeting - September 17, 2024

Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Kerry Casey, Zack Rodrick, Bailey Tremblay, Ed Lawless
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #18 ($13,785.50).
  4. The select board reviewed drawings for the Broadband Central Office.
  5. Meeting adjourned.

Select Board meeting - September 3, 2024

Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Kerry Casey, Brian Church, Regina B. Longyear
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #17 ($88,440.08).
  4. The selectboard reviewed and signed paperwork from KEMA.
  5. Reviewed and signed Broadband Warrant #4 ($209.36).
  6. The selectboard met with Regina Longyear to discuss her property cards and taxes.
  7. Meeting adjourned.

Select Board meeting - August 27, 2024

Meeting Date
Jeff Rackliff, Chris Smith, Laura Church, Ed Lawless, Brian Church


  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. The selectboard worked on an abatement.
  4. The selectboard reviewed a proposal from Dirigo Engineering to provide engineering for culvert replacements on Trask Road, Jesse Ladd Road, Kimball Pond Road, and Tower Road.
  5. The selectboard discussed the installation of lines in town by Consolidated Communications and the progress of Vienna Broadband. The Central Office will require a grounding field to protect the electronics from electrical surges.
  6. Meeting adjourned.

Select Board meeting - August 20, 2024

Meeting Date
Laura Church, Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Kerry Casey
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #16 ($13,186.91)
  4. The selectboard discussed the purchase of dump stickers and whether to increase the cost. It was decided to keep the pricing as is.
  5. The selectboard discussed an issue regarding the Varney Road plow turnaround.
  6. The selectboard reviewed a resident's property.
  7. A new newsletter editor has been hired following the previous editor's resignation.
  8. Meeting adjourned.