Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes form previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #4 - $84,226.06
  4. Discussed tentative dates to request proposals for the following in 2015:
    a. Off-road Snow Removal Contract
    b. Plow and Sand/Salt Winter Roads Contract
    c. Winter sand
  5. Dodi reported that she delivered the town report to Pettingill Printing on Friday the 13th .  The reports should be back in Vienna by Thursday, March 5th and mailed out on the 6th


Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail: read and accepted minutes from the last meeting.
  2. Discussed foreclosed properties and the ad that will be placed (on or around June 1, 2015) requesting bids. Ads will be placed in the Kennebec Journal and Franklin Journal, as well as The Vienna Record and the town website.  There will also be flyers at the Town House and the Town Clerk’s office.
  3. More discussion in regard to the cell tower issue.
  4. Selectmen set June 9th as the date the winter sand bids will be opened. Interested parties were notified.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail; read and accepted minutes from the last meeting.
  2. Selectmen received one mowing bid. Luke Olson was awarded both 2 year contracts. The price remained the same as the 2014 mowing season.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #9 ($16,147.84)
  4. Selectmen reviewed the Plaintiff’s brief in the cell tower lawsuit. Attorney Langsdorf will be filing the Defendant’s (Town of Vienna) brief soon.
  5. Chris reported that brush cutting has been done on the following roads: Tower Road, Kimball Pond Road, Cumner Road, Bessey Road and the Davis Road.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail; read and approved minutes from the last meeting.
  2. Selectmen received one bid for a new three year contract for Winter Road Plowing and Sanding. The bid was from Lenny Meader dba Meader Construction who was awarded the contract. . The first year of the contract (2015-2016) will be the same price as the 2014-2015 season.
  3. Selectmen worked on property card changes for 2015.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail; read and approved minutes from the last two meetings.  
  2. Reviewed and signed Warrant #8 ($26,696.21)
  3. The town received a refund of $104.00 from Maine Municipal Association for the workers comp insurance.   This is for having good work practices and not filing any claims for the year.
  4. Reviewed and signed the bank reconciliation report.
  5. Selectmen discussed the cell phone tower issue and the possible cost to the town before it is reconciled one way or the other.
  6. Ervin Bean came to discuss his property taxes.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail; read and accepted minutes.
  2. Reviewed and signed Warrant 7 ($29,949.77)
  3. Reviewed the list of changes from tax transfers, etc. (April 1, 2014 to April 1, 2015) prepared by Creston Gaither. Property cards were pulled for John Sexton, assessing agent.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail: read and accepted minutes.
  2. Discussed the Varney Road. Report of a logger twitching wood out and onto the road. The Road commissioner was notified of the issue and requested to make contact with both logging operations.
  3. Selectmen worked on the letter being sent to land owners whose property has reached foreclosure status. The Selectmen will be sending the letter giving them a last chance to pay in full within 30 days. The unpaid foreclosed properties will be put out for bid in early June.
  4. Selectmen discussed lawn care and cemetery maintenance with Luke Olson, the current contractor responsible for the mowing. Selectmen will soon be going out to bid for the 2015 and 2016 mowing seasons.

Planning Board Minutes - March 23, 2016


The Board did not hold a formal meeting in February as no quorum was available. Regular members Creston Gaither and Ed Lawless met with Jim Meader informally at the Town House on February 24 but took no formal action on the Board’s behalf.

On February 28 Creston, Ed and Waine Whittier met with Jim at his Flying Pond property (tax map 10 lot 104) to consider his proposal to construct a frost wall under the existing camp on the parcel (see permit subsequently issued for details).

The March meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the Town House. Regular members present were Creston Gaither, Ed Lawless, Waine Whittier, and Alan Williams.

Minutes of the January 27 meeting were read and accepted.

Waine has responded to an email from Russ Burtt regarding a Code Enforcement action in progress regarding Mr. Burtt’s property depicted on tax map 7 as lot 27; Waine advised Mr. Burtt to come to the Board’s March meeting; however, he did not appear.

Code Enforcement Officer John Archard’s email regarding the former Austin property on Flying Pond shown on tax map 11 as lot 13 – H was briefly discussed.

The Board having received no permit application for this lot no formal action was taken.

Recently issued permits were briefly reviewed and discussed.


The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.



Creston Gaither, secretary