Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Kerry Casey, Whitney Baker, Beth Trehu, Brian Church
- Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
- The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
- The selectboard worked on setting the 2024 Mill Rate and was unable to set the Mill Rate as the State of Maine has not provided the Tree Growth information which is needed to do so.
- The selectboard signed Broadband Warrant #1 ($491,368.55).
- Whitney Baker presented two new grants she feels the Town should apply for. #1) The Maine Stream Crossing application for up to $200,000.00 per application in which a Town can submit up to 3 applications. #2) The Maine Infrastructure Adaptation Fund. A town can apply for up to $4 million per application. A town can only have one application. The Infrastructure Adaptation could be more challenging as it has stricter regulations to meet and the Town may not meet those. Whitney will look into this Grant further and will get back to the selectboard. The selectboard agreed and will apply for the Stream Crossing Application for three stream crossings which are for the Jesse Ladd Road, the Trask Road, and the Kimball Pond Road.
- Beth Trehu updated the selectboard on The 30 Mile Watershed Association and the Stream Crossing Grants the Town has applied for.
- The Vienna Fire Chief, Chief Church, provided an update on the Fire Department’s expenditures on the 2024 budget.
- Meeting adjourned.