Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Kerry Casey
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail. 
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting. 
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #7 ($108,329.07). 
  4. The selectboard worked on cleaning the office and setting up folders for new contract.
  5.  Opened lawn mowing bids for 2023. Only one bid was received:

    Homestead Handyman (Josh Heck) $5,780.00 for mowing and $1,750.00 for spring clean-up. Homestead Handyman was awarded the 3-year contract. 

  6. The selectboard discussed the invitation from Readfield to join them with the household hazardous waste collection clean-up day. Eric Dyer sent an email with the invite for the clean-up day that will take place on Sunday, July 9th, 2023 at the Readfield Transfer Station. The Selectmen discussed and agreed bulky pickup takes care of the same items. 
  7. Meeting adjourned.