Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Kerry Casey
- Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
- The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
- Reviewed and signed Warrant #7 ($108,329.07).
- The selectboard worked on cleaning the office and setting up folders for new contract.
Opened lawn mowing bids for 2023. Only one bid was received:
Homestead Handyman (Josh Heck) $5,780.00 for mowing and $1,750.00 for spring clean-up. Homestead Handyman was awarded the 3-year contract.
- The selectboard discussed the invitation from Readfield to join them with the household hazardous waste collection clean-up day. Eric Dyer sent an email with the invite for the clean-up day that will take place on Sunday, July 9th, 2023 at the Readfield Transfer Station. The Selectmen discussed and agreed bulky pickup takes care of the same items.
- Meeting adjourned.