Selectmen's meeting - December 5, 2023

Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Kerry Casey
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #23 ($95,760.41).
  4. Meeting adjourned.

Selectmen's meeting - November 28, 2023

Meeting Date
Meeting canceled

The selectboard meeting scheduled was canceled.

The selectboard attended an informational grant meeting held at the Vienna Community Room at 7:00p.m.

Selectmen's meeting - November 21, 2023

Meeting Date
Laura Church, Jeff Rackliff, Chris Smith, Kerry Casey, Dan Goucher
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #22 ($93,438.93).
  4. The Selectboard and Road commissioner went over the 2023 Road budget and the FEMA road reimbursement from the June storm damage.
  5. Meeting adjourned.

Selectmen's meeting - November 14, 2023

Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Tyler Collins, Tom Jewett, Jim Anderberg
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. The selectmen met via Zoom Meeting with Tyler Collins from Maine Connectivity to review questions and concerns about the proposal from Axiom to cover the initial cost of Roll Out Make Ready.
  4. The selectboard and the Broadband Committee discussed the zoom meeting held with Maine Connectivity.
  5. The selectmen are waiting from the Town’s attorney to provide a revised contract covering the proposal by Axiom.
  6.  Meeting adjourned.

Selectmen's meeting - November 7, 2023

Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Jim Anderberg, Ed Lawless, Tim Davis, Maggie Davis
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #21 ($114,871.04).
  4. Winter Sand Bids are as follows: Day’s Pit is $6.50 per yard; Castonguay Pit is $7.00 per yard; Steven’s Pit is $5.50 per yard. The Winter Sand Bids were awarded to Steven’s Pit at the bid of $5.50 per yard.
  5. The Selectmen and the Broadband Committee discussed the offer from Axiom to cover the cost of the CMP and Consolidated Communication Ride Out Make Ready, as well as any fees associated. To be reimbursed as soon as Axiom receives the Performance Bond and the town has signed the Grant Contract with Maine Connectivity. The selectboard and Tyler, from the Maine Connectivity, will participate in a zoom meeting to review questions/concerns.
  6. Meeting adjourned.