Selectmen's meeting - February 13, 2024

Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. The selectmen prepped for the March Town Meeting.
  4. Last year's road budget was and the FEMA reimbursements from the spring 2023 storm were discussed. The money will be added to this year’s road budget.
  5. Meeting adjourned.

Selectmen's meeting - February 6, 2024

Meeting Date
Laura Church, Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Kerry Casey, Brian Church Ed Lawless, Jim Anderberg
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the
    minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #03 ($104,398.77).
  4. The contract with Franklin County Animal Shelter was signed.
  5. The selectboard met with the Broadband Committee and discussed mailing flyers to all town residents updating them on the progress of the Broadband along with the pricing and information on the installation at each home.
  6. Meeting adjourned.

selectmen's meeting - January 30, 2024

Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Dan Goucher, Brian Church, Whitney Baker
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. The selectboard met with the Town Road Commissioner, 30 Mile Watershed, and Grant Committee about a DOT Grant which will be submitted this week. The grant will go toward the Jesse Ladd Road, Trask Road, and Kimball Pond Road. The grant will provide funding to have an engineer access the road and design solutions to the flooding issues on these roads.
  4. The selectboard signed the grant application authorization form.
  5. Meeting adjourned.

Selectmen's meeting - January 23, 2024

Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Stan Webster, Kerry Casey
  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. The selectboard worked on the Warrant for the March Town Meeting.
  4. The selectboard assisted a resident with finding a couple of pieces of property and owner information.
  5. A resident asked questions about broadband prices.
  6. Meeting adjourned.

selectmen's meeting - January 17, 2024

Meeting Date
Chris Smith, Jeff Rackliff, Laura Church, Lidie Robbins, Beth Trehu, Nate Kane, Whitney Baker, Kerry Casey

The January 16, 2024 meeting was postponed to January 17, 2024 due to weather.

  1. Reviewed and dispersed the mail.
  2. The selectmen read and accepted the minutes from the previous meeting.
  3.  Reviewed and signed Warrant #26 ($71,235.74).
  4. Reviewed and signed Warrant #02 ($108,592.98).
  5. The selectboard worked on the 2024 Warrant.
  6. The Selectboard met with The Grant Committee who have been working on a grant for the Trask Road culvert project.
  7. Laura signed the CCI Pole Attachment Agreement.
  8. Meeting adjourned.