Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail
  2. Read and accepted minutes
  3. Reviewed the Roadside Mowing contract. Requests for proposals will be sent to several local contractors. All bids will be opened at 7:00 pm on September 16, 2014 at the Vienna Town House.
  4. Prepared and signed Warrant for Special Town Meeting to be held on August 19, 2014. It will be posted at the Post Office, Town House and on the Town Website.
  5. Gathered and prepared paper work for the town auditor.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail
  2. Read and accepted minutes.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #16 ($9,613.24)
  4. Andy Hamilton asked the selectmen if he and Jon Pottle would be able to speak at the special town meeting. The selectmen informed them that it would need to be approved by 2/3 of the residents attending the meeting. (Hamilton and Pottle are lawyers for the cell tower companies (Global Tower Assets, LLC and Northeast Wireless Networks, LLC). Atty. Hamilton then gave an overview of their appeal to the selectmen. Selectmen then temporarily adjourned for the special town meeting at 7:00 PM.
  5. Around 8:15 selectmen resumed their regular meeting. Report on the meeting:

     Article 1- Stephen Hayes acted as moderator.

     Article 2 -to adopt the Board of Appeals Ordinance - passed.

     Articles 3 -concerning changes to tower setbacks - failed.

     Article 4 – deleting a passage from the cell tower ordinance - passed

     Article 5 –to modify language concerning appeals - failed

     (Articles 3 -5 were to change wording in the Cell Tower Ordinance)

     Article 6 – to transfer $10,000 from surplus to the legal account- passed

   6. Health Officer Dan Onion conducted water quality tests for the swimming area at the boat landing on Flying Pond. The test came back at 12 parts ecoli per 100ml. Anything under 235 parts per 100 mil is acceptable.

   7. Mowing bids will be open September 16 at 7p.m. at the Town House.
   8. The town received a refund check for $127.00. The Maine Municipal Association Workers Comp Insurance refunded the town for not having any claims in the last year.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Read and accepted minutes.
  2. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  3. Reviewed the list of foreclosed properties. The town will be putting certain properties out to bid in October- all properties are land only. The list will be posted on the Town of Vienna's web site and the October/November newsletter.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from previous meeting.
  3. Chief Church informed the selectmen that the Fire Department will receive a grant from Kennebec Emergency Management Agency to replace the generator for the Fire Station/ Community Room.
  4. Set the date for sand bid. Requests for proposals are out. The Selectmen will open the sealed bids to provide sand for the winter roads at 7:00 pm on October 21 during the selectmen’s meeting.
  5. Selectmen reviewed the written contract for mowing the roadsides and the old town dump. Bids will be opened September 16 at 7:00 PM.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #17 ($81,434.29).
  4. Reviewed shoveling arrangement for the walkways at the Town House, Community Room and Fire Station. Troy Bean was hired for the same price as last year.
  5. Long discussion with property owner about an ongoing ownership issue concerning three properties.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #18 ($6,603.65)
  4. Reviewed the bank reconciliation report from treasurer Marti Gross.
  5. Fire Department Chief Church updated the selectmen on the maintenance of the Fire Station/Community Room and the grant process for the generator.
  6. Assisted residents with reviewing property cards and maps.
  7. Selectmen received and opened two mowing bids:

Bid 1 - C&S Roadwork: $2,500.00
Bid 2 - Don Oliver :        $1,500.00

The bid was awarded to Don Oliver of Chesterville.                                               

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Selectmen received the 2015 tax commitment books from Annie Tibbetts.
  4. Selectmen organized the paper work for the properties going up for bid.
  5. Warrant # 11 ($23,590.66) was reviewed and signed.
  6. Road Commissioner Goucher talked of the work that he has been doing to the roads. He has started grading the town roads. He has graded the Stream Road and pre graded the Davis and the Bessey Roads. He is pulling in the sides and grading out the middle of the roads. Selectmen discussed with Danny about putting up a new road sign - a “Dead End” sign at the base of the Davis Road.
  7. Selectmen agreed that Jeff will make a return visit to the dam after the meeting and see if the Mill Pond has raised any with the recent rain fall.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. The selectmen met with the townʼs health officer Dr. Dan Onion. Dr. Onion reviewed the Health Communities of the Capital area report regarding Vienna. The report suggested that Vienna should develop bike ways and pedestrian walk ways. The report goes on to say that the town should promote the use of the Kennebec Highlands, BRCA, and the Parker Pond Headlands and the trails on the town website.
  4. Dr. Onion also talked with the Selectmen about a project he is heading in the local area -  Neighbors Helping Neighbors. This is a project that will get volunteers to drive local people to appointments, shopping and other places. This will service the Vienna, Fayette, Mt.Vernon, Belgrade and Rome Areas. Dr. Onion went on to say that he is not and does not expect to ask the town for money to fund this project. If anyone has questions in regards to the Neighbors Helping Neighbors project they should contact Dr. Onion at 293-2076.
  5. At the request of the Vienna Fire Department the Selectmen looked at the Mill Pond and Dam on the Kimball pond Road. The pond is lower than normal for this time of year. The selectmen determined the Dam is still in good condition and the low water is due to the lower rainfall this spring. The selectmen also looked at the dry hydrant located at the Mill Pond. The selectmen agreed that the hydrant appears to still have enough water covering the pipe. It was agreed to keep an eye on the situation and to revisit the Pond/Dam in the near future to see if the problem has changed.
  6. The selectmen finalized the legal posting for the foreclosed properties that will be going up for bid. The listing will state the lot, location and minimum bid (taxes owed). The notice will be posted on the town web site and in local papers.
  7. The selectmen reviewed and discussed the "Brief of the Defendant, Town of Vienna" in the Lawless v. Vienna case. This was prepared by the townʼs Attorney Stephen Langsdorf.
  8. The Selectmen voted to adjourn this meeting until tomorrow, Wednesday 5/26/15 at 6:00 to commit the 2015 taxes.
  9. The Selectmen then reconvened the meeting at 6:00 pm. The 2015 taxes were committed with a mil rate of .01815.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #22 ($172,391.20)
  4. Discussion with Road Commissioner Dan Goucher and treasurer Marti Gross on the road accounts.
  5. Selectmen agreed to have a Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, December 16th at 7:00 PM at the Town House. There will be two articles:

     a. To see if the town will transfer the balance of the Paving Account (approx. $11,000) to the Road Maintenance Account.

     b. To see if the town will transfer $6,900 from surplus to the Winter Road Account.