- Reviewed and dispersed mail
- Read and accepted minutes.
- Reviewed and signed Warrant #16 ($9,613.24)
- Andy Hamilton asked the selectmen if he and Jon Pottle would be able to speak at the special town meeting. The selectmen informed them that it would need to be approved by 2/3 of the residents attending the meeting. (Hamilton and Pottle are lawyers for the cell tower companies (Global Tower Assets, LLC and Northeast Wireless Networks, LLC). Atty. Hamilton then gave an overview of their appeal to the selectmen. Selectmen then temporarily adjourned for the special town meeting at 7:00 PM.
- Around 8:15 selectmen resumed their regular meeting. Report on the meeting:
Article 1- Stephen Hayes acted as moderator.
Article 2 -to adopt the Board of Appeals Ordinance - passed.
Articles 3 -concerning changes to tower setbacks - failed.
Article 4 – deleting a passage from the cell tower ordinance - passed
Article 5 –to modify language concerning appeals - failed
(Articles 3 -5 were to change wording in the Cell Tower Ordinance)
Article 6 – to transfer $10,000 from surplus to the legal account- passed
6. Health Officer Dan Onion conducted water quality tests for the swimming area at the boat landing on Flying Pond. The test came back at 12 parts ecoli per 100ml. Anything under 235 parts per 100 mil is acceptable.
7. Mowing bids will be open September 16 at 7p.m. at the Town House.
8. The town received a refund check for $127.00. The Maine Municipal Association Workers Comp Insurance refunded the town for not having any claims in the last year.