Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Discussed the possibility of committing the taxes on May 24th. John Sexton and Dodi are continuing to work on all the property changes for 2016.
  4. Discussed the proposed Fire Department addition and possible time line for it for it to be presented to the residents of Vienna. The possibilities are either wait till the next town meeting (March) or have a special town meeting to take the money out of surplus. The selectmen voted unanimously that this should be presented at the annual town meeting in March.
  5. The USDA, who holds the note for the Fire Truck, has informed the town that we are not required to have a reserve account in the amount of one payment ($14,141) as we had previously been told.
  6. The recent bulky pick up day is complete. Several items were not picked up as they are not on the list of authorized items for pickup. Items that are not picked up on bulky pick up day: motor oil, construction debris (doors, plywood, windows, used lumber, drywall, etc.), paint that is not dried or has not had sand/cat litter applied. No more than three tires per household (tires can not be on rims).
  7. Reviewed property cards with changes.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant # 09 ($70,726.05)
  4. Discussed putting an addition onto the Fire Station with Chief Brian Church and Deputy Chief Paul LeBlond. Chief Church presented an estimated cost of the project. The project is still in the planning stages; it is unclear at this time how the project will be funded.
  5. The Vienna fire department received a $50 donation from Lesley Cowenhoven for their help in rescuing his dog from Echo Lake in March. Mr. Cowenhoven sent a $300 check to the Lakes Region Mutual Aid Group and $50 to all individual fire departments who participated in the successful rescue.
  6. The town received a certification - The 2015 Silver Award-from the Maine State Legislators for Vienna’s continued participation in the Spirit of America program.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Received a request from Annie Tibbetts for proof of Town Insurance for equipment. Signed the 2016 user agreement governing the accessible voting system. This is Mandatory equipment and the State will be paying the lease ($800+) for the town’s use of the equipment.
  4. Read the minutes from the recent Town House Committee meeting. They reported that the balance of the Dorothy Waugh Account is $42911.17. The Town House sign and bulletin board projects have been completed. They are looking into installing a metal grate on the ramp in front of the door.
  5. Discussed the proposed RSU #9 budget for 2016-2017.
  6. Met with town resident about the improper use of sand/salt and crushed stone belonging to the Town. A payment plan has been made.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.  
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #8 ($20,152.16).
  4. Selectmen agreed to purchase a 100’x100’ tarp to cover the sand/salt pile. This should arrive next week and put up soon thereafter; this will help protect the salt/sand pile during spring and summer rains.
  5. Received a check for $126.00 from Maine Municipal after our Workers Comp audit.
  6. The Road Commissioner has been continuing the tree and brush cutting along roadsides. He is also filling soft spots and pot holes on all town roads.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Discussed the sand and gravel issue.
  4. Dodi spoke with MMA about the Building Ordinance to verify procedure of submitting a petition. Tim Sent Dodi a sample of the wording he plans on using.
  5. Jeff is going to look further into tarping the sand pile. He will check prices, etc.
  6. The selectmen will be purchasing a game cam to watch the sand pile.
  7. The Road Commissioner continues to remove potentially dangerous trees from the side of the town roads.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.   
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #7 ($88,495.46)
  4. Discussed town roads with the Road Commissioner, and talked about plans for Road Maintenance for the 2016 year. Tower road and Bean Farm road have had some maintenance at this time involving removal of potentially dangerous trees. The Tower Road has been addressed from end to end.
  5. Carole O’Connell from the Historical Society asked if the town could repair the shoulder of the section of the Kimball Pond Road in front of the spring and repair the edge of the road. This has been forwarded to the Road commissioner. Selectmen suggested the historical society could put up a “seasonal fence” to keep automobiles off the shoulder.
  6. Discussed the new Building Ordinance with Tim Bickford. He wishes to have it repealed. The selectmen explained he could submit a citizen’s petition to have an article put on the warrant for the town meeting in 2017.  
  7. Selectmen discussed the increased use of electricity at the sand shed. Chris is going to call CMP to check the situation (and the equipment).