Selectmen's Meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant 14 ($22,937.90)
  4. Discussed 30 Mile River Watershed and possible YCC projects with Sue Burns, Vienna’s representative. (Rock dams, fabrics, to help with erosion control, etc).
  5. Discussed creating a road committee made up of 5 town residents, preferably from various parts of Vienna. Will put a notice in the August Newsletter.
  6. Discussed Fire Department communication and possible Mutual Aid transmitter being placed on the new cell phone tower on Bessey Road.
  7. Selectmen signed the letter of commitment with auditor Stephen Hopkins for the 2015 Audit.
  8. Selectmen reviewed a letter of denial for abatement from John Sexton. A copy of the letter will be mailed to property owner.

Selectmen's Meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting
  3. On Wednesday, July 27, the Planning Board will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m at the Vienna Town House. The subject of the hearing is to discuss possible changes to the Building Ordinance, Shore Land Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. This has been posted at the Selectmen’s Office, Post Office, Town Clerk’s Office and the Vienna web site.
  4. Signed warrant for the RSU 9 budget revote. This will be held Thursday, July 28th from 1 PM to 7 PM at the Vienna Community Building.
  5. Discussed building permits and possible permit denial with Code Enforcement Officer Archard.

Selectmen's Meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Reviewed and signed Warrant #13 ($62,848.33)
  3. Request for signature on Central Maine Power pole paper work.
  4. Received the Kennebec Country tax bill for 2016 - $67,634.47, due before September 1st.
  5. The $10,897.48 balance in the 2015 paving account has been carried over to the 2016 paving account. This is money received from the State of Maine DOT. This year the paving will be performed on a portion the Bean Road (grinding and paving).

Selectmen's Meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant # 12 ($156,233.68)
  4. Alan Trask requested a letter to be sent to the United States Postal Service stating that the property taxes on the Post Office building have been paid in full. The postal service leases the building from Mr. Trask.
  5. Discussed Fire Engine #82 pump issue: Chief Church informed the selectmen that Engine 82 did not pass the 2016 pump test. The engine needs a seal replaced on the dry side of the pump along with other parts on the wet side. Chief Church is waiting for an estimate from Reliance for the repair of the pump.

Selectmen's Meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting
  3. Another request for reviewing the valuation of a resident’s property. The increase in valuation was due to the 2016 tree growth rates.
  4. Discussion with Lidie Robbins of 30 Mile River Watershed about the Parker Pond Boat Launch. The pavement has been gradually breaking away over time. There is now a plan to put in riprap and stone to improve the area. The town will supply the materials and the YCC will provide the labor for the project.
  5. Mike Rogers of Maine Revenue Service did a sales ratio analysis of recent sales. This is done annually to determine the Certified Ration for the town. Since our last town wide reassessment, we have been able to remain at 100% when doing the Tax Commitment. The town will receive his results at a later date.

Selectmen's meeting

  1. Reviewed and dispersed mail.
  2. Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed and signed Warrant #11 ($11,938.50)
  4. Discussed tax bill with a town resident. There was a question on the assessed value, in regards to the Tree Growth law. The property in question has shore frontage and some acreage in Tree Growth. Dodi will contact assessing agent John Sexton to review the situation. Resident was g i v e n a b a t e m e n t applications.
  5. The Vienna Fire Department has received two grants from Maine Municipal Association totaling $2138.00. The money will be used for Self Contained Breathing Apparatus.
  6. Mark Holmes from the fire department contacted John from the MMA about chimney cleaning. At this time the town is not covered for Chimney cleaning under the Workers Compensation policy. Selectmen will contact Kyes Insurance, who provides the town insurance, about coverage
  7. Vienna Fire Department, Inc has bought gear bags for the fire fighters.
  8. Selectmen reviewed and signed the Bank Reconciliation report. 9. Looked through plumbing permits from 1987 to 1989 looking for a septic plan. The plan in question is not on file.

Planning Board Meeting - August 24, 2016


The meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the Town House on Town House Road. Regular Board members present were Waine Whittier, Alan Williams, and Creston Gaither. Also present were Heath and Laura Dolloff.

Town Clerk Annie Tibetts was present briefly and swore in Waine, Alan, and Creston for new 3-year terms.

The Board reviewed the permitting history of the Dolloffs’ Flying Pond lot (tax map 11 lot 13-H). Prior owner Austin Smith had built a structure under his 2007 permit but a microburst destroyed it. It had been on concrete blocks. The Dolloffs would like to build on the lot in the Spring and they presented a Building Ordinance application which they have submitted to Code Enforcement Officer John Archard; it includes evidence that wastewater permit # 2016 – 13 is in effect for the parcel.

The Board will visit the site at 6:30 PM prior to its September 28 meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Creston Gaither, secretary

Planning Board Meeting - September 28, 2016


At 6:30 PM regular members Alan Williams, Ed Lawless, and Creston Gaither visited the Dolloff site on South Herrin Woods Road and Flying Pond, it being depicted on tax map 11 as lot 13- H. Very steep slopes were noted.

The regular meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the Town House. Alan was elected Acting Chairman in Waine Whittier’s absence.

The Board considered the Dolloffs’ proposal to build a house and a driveway on the aforesaid lot; their Building Ordinance permit application was also reviewed.

Based on its site inspection and the information provided by the applicants, and assuming a favorable subsequent review of the pertinent FEMA flood map, which Creston agreed to examine, the Board concluded that this project:

(1) Will maintain safe and healthful conditions;
(2) Will not result in water pollution, erosion, or sedimentation to surface waters;
(3) Will adequately provide for the disposal of all wastewater;
(4) Will not have an adverse impact on spawning grounds, fish, aquatic life, bird or other wildlife habitat;
(5) Will conserve shore cover and visual, as well as actual, points of access to inland waters;
(6) Will protect archaeological and historic resources as designated in the comprehensive plan;
(7) Will avoid problems associated with floodplain development and use; and
(8) Is in conformance with the provisions of Section 15, Land Use Standards.

The Board then voted 3 – 0 to authorize Creston to issue the usual permit letter for this proposal, subject to these CONDITIONS:

1). Erosion control measures such as a properly installed silt fence or erosion control mulch shall be employed in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with best management practices.
2). A stone apron must be placed beneath the new drip edges to control roof runoff.
3). Extra care shall be taken in constructing a driveway in order to prevent erosion.
4). The applicants will obtain the necessary Building Permit from Code Enforcement Officer John Archard.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.

Creston Gaither, secretary