Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.
Signed an abatement and a Supplemental tax bill. This is to correct a situation where land was sold to a family member, and some of the buildings were not put on the new lot.
The Mineral Spring Road sign has been stolen and a new sign has been ordered. The property owners have requested a “private way” sign as well; they will reimburse the town for the private way sign.
Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting
It was reported that the Egypt Pond Road sign has been stolen. Dodi will order a new one from White Sign. The cost will come out of Administration
Discussed an issue with the culvert on the Trask Road. The bottom of the culvert has rusted out and will need to be replaced at some point. Road Commissioner Goucher is monitoring the situation.
Signed Certificates for the planning board members.
Signed Certificate of Appointment for the Town House Committee members.
Signed Certificate of Appointment for the Town Health Officer
Selectmen worked on a Policy draft for Salary Draw for yearly salaried employees, i.e., Selectmen, Treasurer, Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Animal Control Officer, Web Master, Newsletter Editor, Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, and Assistant Chief.
At the next meeting the selectmen will review and vote on adopting the 2016-2017 General Assistance appendices.
Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting
Received a check from Maine Municipal Association for the fire department Safety Grant. ($2,000 plus)
Selectmen received a letter from the state department of bureau of motor vehicles stating that the recent audit of the Vienna Town Clerk was acceptable by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles standards
Reviewed and signed Warrant #16 ($109,549.25)
2016 Salt prices are being held at the same price as 2016.
Report from Dan Goucher, Road Commissioner: Portion of Bean Road has been paved, ditched and 3 new culverts have been installed. All driveways have been shimmed back to the road.
Made the annual Fire Truck payment of $14,141.00 to the United States Department of Agriculture. The Town has 6 payments left; the fire truck will be paid off in 2022.
Selectmen worked on the Auditors request list.
Selectmen discussed writing a policy stating if a selectmen or other employee fails to finish his/her term then the employee will be required to repay any salary they may have received beyond the amount of time worked for that year.
Read and accepted minutes from the previous meeting.
Health Officer Dr. Dan Onion notified the selectmen that the water test for the Flying Boat launch/swimming area passed. Dr. Onion stated that the water test showed less than 1/100cc for E-coli. A copy of the test was sent from the lab as well.
Selectmen received the results of the sales analysis done by Mike Rogers of the Maine revenue services. The combined sales ratio is 93%. This means our certified ratio will remain at 100% for 2017.
Selectmen completed a 2016 MMA Legislative Issues survey.