Vienna Record: Oct-Nov 2020

View the October/November 2020 issue here

Selectmen's Minutes: July 28, 2020 through September 22, 2020

News from the Town Clerk

Planning Board Minutes: July 22 and August 26, 2020

Neighbors Driving Neighbors

Health Officer: Walking for a Living

Franklin County Cemetery report

Dr. Shaw Memorial Library News

Fire Department News

Recurring Community Events

Updated "Who You Gonna Call" list

Vienna Record: Aug-Sept 2020

View the August/September 2020 issue here

Selectmen's Minutes: May 26, 2020 through July 23, 2020

Mill Stream Grange: Honoring Our Veterans

Planning Board Minutes: May 27 and June 24, 2020

Health Officer: The Big Test is Here

News from the 30 Mile River Watershed

Mill Stream awards Dorothy Waugh Scholarship

Dr. Shaw Memorial Library News

Fire Department News

Recurring Community Events

Broadband for Vienna - new WKLCBA website

Keep in touch with the progress on providing high-speed internet access to Vienna at the Western Kennebec Lakes Community Broadband Association (WKLCBA) website here

In case you missed the recent Zoom webinar, scroll to the bottom and view a recording.

The WKLCBA is a coalition of six towns collaborating to investigate solutions that provide affordable, reliable, high-speed internet service to our rural communities. Our goal is to improve our regional network to deliver broadband internet to all citizens and businesses, both now and into the future. The participating towns are Fayette, Leeds, Mount Vernon, Readfield, Vienna, and Wayne.

Fast Internet Is Coming To Vienna (We hope!)

On Monday July 20th there is a meeting about an ongoing project to improve our Internet service.  You can attend this meeting from your desk at home!  Connect up using your computer and a program called Zoom.  Or just call in on your phone.  You will be able to listen and also ask a question or voice an opinion.  Using your computer won’t cost you a penny.  If you call in on the phone there may be toll charges depending on your telephone service plan.

The meeting is being presented by a 6 town co-operative group that has moved a pretty fair ways down the road toward getting high speed Internet installed for everyone in the 6 towns.  The Selectpersons in each town have been kept in the loop as the project developed.  Now you can learn where the project stands at the moment and the several steps that need to be taken to in the near future to make fast (broadband) Internet a reality in Vienna, Mount Vernon, Wayne, Leeds, Readfield and Fayette.  Join us to hear how we are working to get service just as good as they have in Portland!

If you have any questions please contact Tom Jewett at 207-242-7612 or e-mail at


Vienna Record: Jun-Jul 2020

View the June/July 2020 issue here

Selectmen's Minutes: March 17, 2020 through May 19, 2020

Mill Stream Grange: Honoring Our Veterans

Planning Board Minutes: Feb. 26, 2020

Health Officer: Protecting Your Family Against Corona Virus

Dr. Shaw Memorial Library News

Fire Department News

Recurring Community Events

Vienna Fire Department Annual Chicken BBQ announcement - July 26, 2020

Planning Board Meeting - February 26, 2020


The meeting convened at the Town House at 7:00 PM. Regular members present were Waine Whittier, Creston Gaither, Ed Lawless, and Tim Bickford. Minutes of the January 22 meeting were read and accepted.

Ed reported on the status of the broadband committee – it appears that the wireless option has been abandoned.

Creston will contact Shoreland Zoning applicant Matt Seigel, and advise him of the need for a SSWD permit or a letter from the Plumbing Inspector saying the Existing system is adequate, and will ask whether the access road is passable. 

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.



Creston Gaither, secretary

A brief synopsis of the 2020 Town Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by Stephen Hayes, moderator.

Before formal business began, there was a brief presentation by Dr. Dan Onion, our community medical officer, regarding the current Covid-19 Pandemic.

Next, Dodi Thompson was honored for her 24 years of faithful service as a selectman for the town of Vienna. Thank you, Dodi! We are grateful and we wish you all the best in your retirement!

The results of the election were announced.

Laura Church was elected as 1st Selectman. Joshua Robbins was elected to the RSU9 Board of Directors.

53 articles were read, moved, seconded, and all passed. The budget for 2020 is $596,211.00.

The work was completed and the meeting adjourned quickly.

Thank you to all who participated.