Planning Board Meeting - April 28, 2021



At 6:15 PM regular members Waine Whittier, Creston Gaither, Ed Lawless, and Tim Bickford visited the Heath Dolloff lot on Flying Pond, shown on tax map 11 as lot 13-H to consider Mr. Dolloff’s proposal to add a platform and deck with a porch on the southerly end of the existing house along with a porch and stairs on the westerly side of the house.

The regular meeting convened at the Town House at 7:00 PM, with the aforesaid members present along with regular member Alan Williams. Minutes of the March meeting were read and accepted.

Bob Nurse appeared; he wants to build a 2-car garage within the Stream Protection District. He would like it to be about 50 feet from the brook. Waine read from pertinent sections of the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, which indicate that the Board of Appeals could issue a variance for this use based on a finding of hardship. Bob was advised that the Planning Board would be unlikely to approve an application for the garage as Bob described it. The requirements for a finding of “hardship” were reviewed; it seems unlikely that Bob could meet them.

It was noted that the Board had not made Findings of Fact regarding the Morin permit it approved in March. The permit has not yet been issued. Findings of Fact were made and the Board voted 4 – 0 to reaffirm its approval of the permit. Tim Bickford abstained as he had missed the March meeting.

The Dolloff application outlined above was considered. An informal site plan has been received. It was agreed that, given the steep slopes on the site, that conditions of approval should include the stabilization of the soil in the vicinity of the proposed deck. Based on its on-site observations and on the site drawing, and a subsequent examination of the pertinent flood hazard map, the Board determined that the project as outlined above:

  1. Will maintain safe and healthful conditions;
  2. Will not result in water pollution, erosion, or sedimentation to surface waters;
  3. Will adequately provide for the disposal of all wastewater;
  4. Will not have an adverse impact on spawning grounds, fish, aquatic life, bird or other wildlife habitat
  5. Will conserve shore cover and visual, as well as actual, points of access to inland waters;
  6. Will protect archaeological and historic resources as designated in the comprehensive plan;
  7. Will avoid problems associated with floodplain development and use; and
  8. Is in conformance with the provisions of Section 15, Land Use Standards.

The Board voted 4 – 0 to authorize Creston to issue the usual permit by letter, with the said condition of approval included. Alan abstained as he has represented the applicants.

CMP “pole permit” policy was discussed. Tim said the pertinent statute covers all permits under 30 MRSA & not just subdivision and shoreline zoning. Waine proposed that individual Board members be authorized to sign Form 1190 provided that they are confident that any proposed structures have the requisite Notification of Construction and SSWD permits, along with any SZO permits required, and that it is not part of an illegal subdivision This was adopted as Board policy 5 – 0.

The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.


Creston Gaither, secretary

Vienna Record: Apr-May 2021

View the April/May 2021 issue here

Selectmen's Minutes Jan. 26,  2021 through Mar. 23, 2021

News from the Town Clerk - Municipal Election Results

Planning board minutes - Jan. 27, 2021 and Feb. 24, 2021

From the Health Officer "A Little Jab Will Do Ya: Getting a COVID-19 Shot"

Mill Stream Grange - Dorothy Waugh Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Shaw Memorial Library News

Mount Vernon Community Center

Town Zoom Meeting - March 2, 2021

There will be public hearing via Zoom with the Selectboard on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 7 p.m. for discussion, questions, and answers regarding articles for vote. A link to the Zoom hearing is shown below. The articles will be available to review prior to the hearing.

Topic: Town Meeting Hearing
Time: Mar 2, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 3997 4814
Passcode: 951657
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Town Report - 2020

The Annual report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Vienna for the year ending Dec. 31, 2020

There will be NO in-person town meeting this year. See the Selectmen's report beginning on page 5 of this document for the procedures for town meeting this year.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - Re: Town Meeting 2021


To: The Residents of Vienna 

From: The Board of Selectmen Re: Town Meeting 2021


 In order to be compliant with the current guidelines regarding COVID safety, we are finding it necessary to conduct our Annual Town Meeting in a different way this year. There will be no in-person meeting on the usual second Saturday of March. Instead, and after consultation with the Maine Municipal Association, things will proceed as follows:

 1. The regular election WILL BE HELD on Friday, March 12, 2021 from noon to 8 p.m. at the Community Room on Kimball Pond Rd. Masking and social distancing will be required. Please wait in your car if it appears that the voting booths are full. We will be voting on elected positions as well as all articles usually enacted at town meeting. 

2. There will be public hearing via Zoom with the Selectboard on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 7 p.m. for discussion, questions, and answers regarding articles for vote. A link to the Zoom hearing will be made available through both the town newsletter and website. The articles will be available to review prior to the hearing.

 3. Absentee ballots will be available February 10, 2021 from the Town Clerk. Please be patient with us as we navigate through this new situation. 

If you have questions, contact Chris Smith, 860-8574, Jeff Rackliff 491-1621 (evenings), or Laura Church 293-3892

 Sincerely, Town of Vienna Board of Selectmen 

Vienna Record: Feb-Mar 2021

View the February/March 2021 issue here

Important Notice re: Town Meeting and COVID safety

Selectmen's Minutes Dec. 1,  2020 through Jan. 19, 2021

Planning board minutes - Oct. 28, 2020 and Dec. 9, 2020

Neighbors Driving Neighbors welcomes Misty Beck as their new Ride Coordinator

Hospice Volunteers of Waterville Area’s Resale Shop is now open

From the Health Officer "Polio Memories with COVID Implications"